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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fourth of July Weekend

So let me fill ya in on the day from Hell yesterday! :) My carpet is not going to be laid for another week! Yes week! So I am stayin with the parents which I was not happy with! Don't get me wrong...love the parents! But its the packing etc. i don't like then I was cooking dinner and put the glass pan on the stove and it flippin blew up! Glass everywhere! Cut my hand...cut my leg and what hurt the most was the tiny glass particles! It felt like tons of tiny knives! I broke down...completely lost it on the carpet guy....well not completely i have a right to be mad! :) All had officially gone to pot until work today! We had a long lunch and then they informed us that we would get a 4 day weekend instead of a 3 day weekend with pay! I needed this! Things are lookin up....for now! Now if I could just get my life/house back in order! Oh Well things are never perfect...but seriously I was like a kid on a snow day! I was raisin the roof going ooh ooh! The co-workers were laughin! Im like guys i don't think you get it no work! Like we don't have to come here! Ha! Ha! I guess I am the only one that is a slacker!


Nanci said...

Oh, Jess, sorry about the start of a crappy day! I hate it when it feels like everything is going wrong like that! I'm glad though that you get a long weekend to relax! I hope you didn't get cut too bad, and that everything is ok in that department!

Matt, Amy, Grant, Tyson, and Palmer said...

I am so sorry about your day!! At least its starting to look up. So i'm glad i'm not the only one that had a delightful cake decorating experience :)!! Enjoy your 4 day weekend!!!! You need it!!

Unknown said...

Yea, a 4 day weekend! Those are the best and the best part is that its paid! haha
Good luck with your carpet!

The Moore Family said...

Hey Jessica! If it makes you feel any better I'm the most impatient person ever ..... especially when it comes to home remodel projects!! .......We've been out of town the past few days, but sometime Abby and I would love to have a little pool party with you guys!! Happy 4th of July!!

Melissa Fisher said...

If you get bored this weekend or need to escape your parents house feel free to call me! I washed Gracie's pants by the way and they are waiting for ya nice and clean :) I feel your pain about the house stuff. Stuff in our house doesn't get done until the day we move out of it!