Where have I been since July? Well The toilet and I have become great friends! :) I have been sicker this pregnancy than I ever was with Gracie and I have had the lack of energy/motivation to blog! I still love to check other blogs, but have neglected mine! :) We will be adding another little girl to our family on May 17, 2010! Hopefully I will just pick up Spence from his last final and head to the hospital! :) Gracie has insisted that this baby was a girl from the beginning. By insisting I mean yelling at anyone who might refer to the fetus as a boy. Spence and I even had a special talk with her prior to the ultrasound in hopes that she wouldn't lash out the ultrasound technician. Everyone, including myself was convinced that this baby was a boy, but Gracie knew all along! :) I can't lie Spence was a little disappointed because he thought he was going to balance the house out with a little testosterone and possibly be done having children....not this time hunny! :) He is warming up to the idea of having 3 women in his life! :) Coming from a family of 6 boys even 2 women were an adjustment! :)We are so excited for Gracie to have a sister! I'm already looking at stores for matcher outfits! :) I don't need hardly anything, but who can resist matching outfits! Christmas has been the perfect time to share our news with everyone! We are so thankful for our family/friends and our new addition! :) Merry Christmas everyone!