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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Park City Here We Come!!

I have been a frequent Utah traveler lately! My brother Jake is getting married so we are headed to the bridal shower...which also means to the Park City Outlets! Anyone who has been shopping with My mom, my sister, or I knows that we mean business when we shop! It's like a full time job in a way....8a.m. to 5 p.m. but sometimes we don't stop for lunch! Ha! Ha! Hence the reason we leave our hubbies home...minus my metrosexual husband Spence who does enjoy shopping(love him for that)! Sorry you are in a doctorate program hun.... and have to work/study, and have to miss out on all of our fun...maybe I will bring you back a hat....maybe! I will try and post some pics of our overindulgence at the outlet malls! Nicole and Arnie...be ready for us cuz we aren't stopping! Nicole I will open the door, and you and Areyan jump in off the highway! You can strap her car seat on the way! I think Utah allows for them not to be in a car seat as long as you are working on strapping it in! :) Times a-wastin! :)


Christy said...

Jessica you are too funny! Sounds like one heck of a shopping trip! have fun!

The Suttons said...

How fun!! I was just down there last weekend! They are having great sales on winter stuff, the spring clothes are still kind of high priced. Have fun though!!

the longmores said...

Are you taking off tomorrow? Have a blast! When you get back I am ready for some more guitar hero.

Unknown said...

Hope you had fun. I don't have a fond memory of Park City. We went there a few summers ago and our camera and video camera were stolen. Anyway... I should have used stake conference as a free day it always ends up being pointless. Now I know why when I was younger my parents NEVER took us to stake conference. Hope you are doing well!

Morgan said...

jealous about the trip, but i love park city shopping as well. wish i had money.... :) have fun!
so, you are now officailly my scentsy consultant. my mother in law got me some stuff, and its in that mail to me, cant wait. i want a catalog and stuff from ya.
if you cant come (i really need your email...)i will for sure get you a catalog. have em right here! if you like books, you will love this stuff! keep in touch!