I honestly believe that time has sped up with a second child! It goes faster! Taylor is already 5 months old...and I'm about to celebrate my "baby" Gracie's 5th birthday! Can she really be 5? She will always be my "baby"! Not that I love Taylor less...in fact there is more of her to love! But it was just Spence, Gracie, and me for so long that we got to experience college life/newly wed life with her! I know it will change as Taylor gets bigger, but for now I am in total shock that she will be FIVE! Nobody makes Taylor laugh like Gracie! When she comes in the room Taylor lights up! She can't wait to do everything that Gracie does! Taylor is doing the classic rolling over (both ways) which is quite the accomplishment for her SIZE. She doesn't cry...she screams. Sometimes I can't tell if it is happy, mad, sad, or both. She is also a FABULOUS sleeper! I was terrified of both of them sleeping in the same room, and it has been FINE! It's almost as if they sleep better together. Spence is finishing his rotations and is half way done! He will be done in March! Yay! We will also be celebrating in the Caribbean! So excited! Melissa...you know ya wanna come! I am attempting to lose baby weight and work with Gracie on Pre-school, and stay as busy as possible! Here are few pics of the last little while.
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